Cycles, unfinished business, everything old is new again
Speaking of the '70s, did disco ever die? The Village People wrote one of their final songs called "Ready for the '80s" which was ironic as the '80s were not kind to disco but it seems to have made a return, though not quite in sync with bell bottoms which are already out of style again, I think. I saw a video for a remake of ABBA's "Gimme Gimme Gimme (A Man after Midnight)" the other day. My parents played a lot of ABBA in the '70s and while my father would cringe to read this, I still like disco (don't worry, Dad, I still love the blues too). I'm also enjoying Alcazar's rendition of "This is the World we Live In" but I can't seem to find the original. Anyone know?
I lost my original hardcover edition of The Matter for Men by David Gerrold so I bought a soft cover edition a year or two ago and finally got around to starting it again (lately there are only a few SF authors I enjoy and they only write a book a year or so, which means I have lots of time to re-read old favorites). I originally read it around twenty years ago when it first came out. The softcover edition says "uncut and uncensored for the first time," which is kind of surprising as I didn't think written fiction was sensored badly in 1983 when it was originally published. That said, I don't remember the male shower scene and wonder if it was present and I've forgotten or if that was censored; it could well have been censored. David Gerrold is openly "alternative lifestyle" and I enjoy reading BGLAD SF by him, Melissa Scott, Nicola Griffith, Spider Robinson and others but I didn't know that about him twenty years ago and I wonder if it was something kept out of print at the time? I'll have to ask him. In the second book of the series, A Day for Damnation, the character with whom he has the shower scene becomes a psi-agent where they pool their bodies and use the one most suited to the job; the male main character has sex with his friend in a woman's body and I guess that was OK for the censors as I remember THAT scene but not the other one. David is still writing that series with volumes five and six coming out later so my blog-pal Jeffrey Carver doesn't have to feel bad about taking so long to finish the Chaos Chronicles; David has a decade head start on you!
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