Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Two months old

Today my daughter is two months old. Amazing how time seems to fly, and how much she can grow and advance in such a short span of time. Children, especially very young ones, remind you of what life really means and what it's all about. Some people choose to go through life without children and honestly, I don't understand why; to me it almost seems as if a life without children is not a life worth living. As an atheist, your creations including your works of art, science and your children are all you leave when you die; they are your legacy.

A favorite author of mine is Henry Green (nom de plume of Henry Vincent York) and the main themes of his books (as I see it) are that you can never know someone else's point of view. Even when you think you've walked a mile in their shoes, you really haven't -- there are subtle differences which mean the experiences and the resulting wisdom are different too. In the same way I'm sure couples who decide not to have kids can't understand why people have kids, and wonder how they ever get anything done, have time for themselves, etc. This would seem to be an opposing view for the truism that the grass is always greener on the other side though I'm sure there are some in both camps who wish they had kinds and vice versa.



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